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  • AshburtonAntiquesTrail

Ashburton Antiques Trail Re-opens

After 3 long months Ashburton Antiques Trail are pleased to have re-opened their doors and are welcoming customers once again.

The small town of Ashburton on the Southern edge of Dartmoor is home to over a dozen antique shops, all of which were forced to close their doors when the Coronavirus pandemic struck. Since then they have been working together to overcome the challenges and adapt to this ‘new normal’.

When you visit the Antiques Trail you’ll notice a few changes as certain measures have been put in place to ensure the shops are Covid-Secure. There are hand sanitiser stations at the entrance to each shop and you’ll often see staff wearing masks or face shields. Screens have been put up at the counters and customer numbers are being limited to ensure social distancing can be maintained. Shop owners are frequently wiping down door handles, card machines and any other areas that are commonly touched.

Despite the Coronavirus, there are a few things that haven’t changed - a warm welcome still awaits you and each independent shop is brimming with a mix of quality antiques, decorative items, collectables, antique silver, beautiful mirrors, French finds, industrial pieces and more.

Lydia Wood of In A Nutshell Antiques said “The last few months have been really tough on all the shops. It’s great to be open again and see some friendly faces coming through the door. The customers have been very considerate and we feel confident we’re doing all we can to keep everybody safe.”

The traders are optimistic about the future and have reported an encouraging start to business. Despite Coronavirus, they are determined to build on the success of the trail and continue to promote and grow it, both locally and nationally.

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